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Free MATLAB Certification course on Scientific Computing

Scientific Computing using Matlab
By Prof. Mani Mehra, Prof. Vivek K. Aggarwal   |   IIT Delhi


Course Status :Upcoming
Course Type :Core
Duration :12 weeks
Start Date :20 Jul 2020
End Date :09 Oct 2020
Exam Date :17 Oct 2020
Enrollment Ends :27 Jul 2020
Category :
  • Mathematics
  • Level :Undergraduate/Postgraduate
    This is an AICTE approved FDP course

    In the first week of this course, an introduction to Matlab is introduced with hands-on Matlab software. In the subsequent weeks, topics will be introduced followed by hands-on to write the Matlab code of the same topics. This course is very useful for the students who want to do research projects using numerical techniques to handle data or to solve differential equations.

    PREREQUISITES: Some knowledge of any programming language
    INDUSTRIES  SUPPORT: Not Applicable

    Week 1:Introduction to Matlab
    Week 2: Error estimation and methods of roots finding
    Week 3:Solving System of Linear Algebraic equations
    Week 4: Curve fitting and Interpolation
    Week 5:Numerical differentiation
    Week 6:Numerical Integration
    Week 7: Numerical Optimization
    Week 8:Problem solving session
    Week 9: Numerical solution of Initial value problems (IVP)
    Week 10:Discussion about Convergence of numerical schemes
    Week 11:Numerical solution of Boundary value problems (BVP)
    Week 12:Discussion and Problem-solving session

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