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Mastering FMEA with MATLAB and Simulink


Have you ever wondered how to ensure the safety and reliability of complex systems such as aircraft controls? In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) using MATLAB and Simulink. We'll explore how to validate assumptions, automate steps, and enhance the overall safety analysis process.

Understanding FMEA in MATLAB

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic approach for identifying potential failure modes within a system and assessing their potential effects. When using MATLAB, FMEA can be performed with precision and efficiency. By leveraging the robust capabilities of MATLAB, engineers can validate assumptions made in FMEA and achieve a deeper understanding of risk assessment.

Embracing Safety Analysis Manager in MATLAB

One of the key features in MATLAB for safety analysis is the Safety Analysis Manager. This tool provides a structured approach to validate assumptions and automate various steps in the FMEA process. By utilizing the Safety Analysis Manager, engineers can efficiently manage traceability, link failure modes to simulated faults, and improve overall risk assessment.

Automating FMEA Workflow with MATLAB

Efficiency and accuracy are crucial in FMEA, and MATLAB offers a range of automation capabilities to streamline the workflow. From linking cells in a spreadsheet using the requirements toolbox to running callbacks for specific analysis, engineers can automate fault simulation, detection, and annotation, thus enhancing the overall safety analysis process.

Integrating Simulink Simulation for Validation

Simulink, a companion product to MATLAB, plays a vital role in validating assumptions and enhancing the FMEA process. By leveraging Simulink simulation, engineers can verify correctness through simulation and logging, automate fault simulation and detection, and link FMEA artifacts with other elements for comprehensive safety analysis.


In conclusion, mastering FMEA with MATLAB and Simulink empowers engineers to validate assumptions, automate workflows, and enhance safety analysis. By leveraging the powerful capabilities of these tools, engineers can ensure the safety and reliability of complex systems with confidence and precision.

Watch this video to demonstration 

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a common safety analysis methodology to identify and address potential failures in safety-critical systems. Let’s say your team has sketched out some initial entries in an FMEA on a whiteboard and then tabulated the data in a spreadsheet tool such as Microsoft® Excel®. You probably made some assumptions, such as a failure mode’s detectability. How can you validate these assumptions? 

In this demonstration, you will learn how you can use the power of MATLAB® and Simulink® to validate assumptions and automate steps in your FMEA.

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