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SPY Number in MATLAB

A number is a Spy number, if sum and product of all digits are equal. Example: Number 123 is a Spy number, sum of its digits is 6 (1+2+3 =6) and product of its digits is 6 (1*2*3 = 6), sum and product are same, thus, 123 is a spy number.


1) Extract the digits.

You can use the following rule:

x=input('Enter the number'); m=x; while(m>0) b=rem(m,10); %This line has to be written according to the requirement. m=(m-b)/10; end

For detail explanation , you can check this video:

2) Multiply those digits.
3) Add all the digits .
4) Check whether they are equal or not using if else condition.

Code to check whether a number is SPY number or not:

x=input('Enter the number'); m=x; t=0; p=1; while (m>0) b=rem(m,10); t=t+b; p=p*b; m=(m-b)/10; end if(t==p) disp('Yes , this is a SPY number'); else disp('No , not a SPY number'); end

Explanation of the code:

Code to print all the SPY numbers between 1 and user input number:

g=input('Enter the number'); Y=[]; for x=1:g m=x; t=0; p=1; while (m>0) b=rem(m,10); t=t+b; p=p*b; m=(m-b)/10; end if(t==p) Y=[Y x]; end end

For java / C/ C++ code , you can check the following link:

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