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Bluetooth Library: Simulate, Design, and Test Bluetooth Systems in MATLAB

Communications Toolbox™ Library for Bluetooth® Protocol provides standard-compliant functions and reference examples for the design, modeling, simulation, and testing of Bluetooth communications systems. The library supports protocol layer modeling, network modeling, link-level simulation, golden reference verification, and test waveform generation.

With the library, you can configure, simulate, measure, and analyze end-to-end communications links. You can modify or customize the library functions and use them as reference models for implementing Bluetooth systems and devices.

The library provides reference examples to help you model the behavior of Bluetooth devices or a network of Bluetooth devices. Adapt the reference designs provided to explore communication in multi-node networks and study the system performance of your designs. Using the Bluetooth library, you can model and analyze interference from other networks and co-existence with other networks.

Download and try the Bluetooth library:
Learn more about the Bluetooth library:

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