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How to Model a Synchronous Buck Converter ?

 how to use Simulink and Simscape to model a synchronous buck converter. This video is a great place to start if you are new to Simulink and Simscape. We start with a virtual blank sheet of paper and build up the buck converter from scratch. We show how to drag, drop, rotate, and connect components to build the schematic, the PWM circuit, and the PID controller. We also model current variations at the output terminal to see how the system responds to load transients. When simulating the model, we leverage both scopes and the Simulink Data Inspector to visualize performance under different operating conditions.  

This video serves as a starting point, not a destination. There are many additional modeling maneuvers you can make when it comes to modeling and simulating such systems. This includes but is not limited to measuring transfer functions, automated parameter sweeps with MATLAB scripts, leveraging higher fidelity transistor models, incorporating more advanced multi-level architectures, adding dead-time dynamics, amongst other things. Look for videos in the future on these more advanced modeling topics. 

Learn more:

- Get Started with Simscape Electrical:

- Buck Converter:

- Boost Power Train Operating Point Analysis:


00:00 Overview of the Buck Converter to be constructed 

00:34 Add circuit components and wire them up using keyboard shortcuts 

02:00 Using the Simulink Library Browser to search for and add blocks to a model 

03:43 How does a Simscape Foundation inductor differ from a Simscape Electrical inductor? 

05:19 Add a Voltage Sense Point and a Scope 

05:45 Add a PWM block 

07:00 Add a DC Voltage Source 

07:42 Add Simulink to Physical Signal (PS) converter blocks 

11:35 Apply a constant duty cycle to the PWM block 

12:45 Add a Solver Configuration block as necessary Simscape modeling infrastructure 

14:12 Define circuit component and PWM parameters 

15:04 Simulate buck converter in open-loop and observe response on scope 

15:55 Add a PID controller and close the loop 

19:40 Simulate the buck converter in closed-loop and dealing with algebraic loops 

22:50 Log simulation data and visualize using Simulation Data Inspector (SDI) to compare different runs on the same axes 

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