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Author and Manage Simulink Type Editor Bus Objects, Types, and Enumerations via One GUI

 Simulink provides a powerful feature called the "Simulink Data Dictionary" that enables you to author and manage Simulink type editor bus objects, types, and enumerations via a single graphical user interface (GUI). The Simulink Data Dictionary is a central location where you can store and manage data that is shared among multiple Simulink models.

To create a Simulink Data Dictionary, you can follow these steps:

  • Open a new or existing Simulink model and select "Model Explorer" from the "View" menu.

  • In the Model Explorer, right-click on the top-level node and select "New" > "Data Dictionary".

  • Give the new data dictionary a name and location on your file system.

  • In the Model Explorer, expand the data dictionary node and create a new Simulink type editor bus object, type, or enumeration by right-clicking on the appropriate folder and selecting "New".

  • Define the properties of the new bus object, type, or enumeration in the dialog box that appears.

  • Once you have created your Simulink types and objects, you can use them in your Simulink models by selecting "Import Data" from the "File" menu and selecting the data dictionary file.

  • In the "Import Wizard" that appears, select the types and objects that you want to use in your model.

  • Once the types and objects have been imported, you can use them in your model just like any other Simulink type or object.

The Simulink Data Dictionary provides a number of benefits, including:

  • Centralized management of Simulink types and objects across multiple models.

  • Improved data consistency and accuracy.

  • Easier reuse of Simulink types and objects.

  • Better collaboration among team members.

In summary, the Simulink Data Dictionary provides a convenient and efficient way to author and manage Simulink type editor bus objects, types, and enumerations via a single GUI.

Use Simulink® Type Editor to author and manage your bus objects, alias types, value types, numeric types, and enumerations in one place across multiple sources.

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