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Execution Order for AUTOSAR Runnables in Simulink

The AUTOSAR Timing Extensions specification defines execution order constraints. These constraints specify the execution order of runnable entities within a component.

In Simulink, you can:

- Import execution order constraints from ARXML files.
- Open an AUTOSAR component model and use the Schedule Editor to modify the execution order of runnables.
- Export execution order constraints to ARXML files.
- Update execution order constraints in an AUTOSAR component model by importing ARXML changes.

In an AUTOSAR software component model, you can use the Schedule Editor to schedule and specify the execution order of runnables. The Schedule Editor is a scheduling tool that displays partitions in a model, the data connections between them, and the order of those partitions. In AUTOSAR component models, partitions correspond to runnable entities that execute independently. In the Schedule Editor, you can:

- View a graphical representation of runnables as partitions in an AUTOSAR component.
- Create partitions and map them to AUTOSAR runnables.
- Directly specify the execution order of runnables.

The Schedule Editor supports multiple modeling styles, including rate-based and export-function modeling. For more information, see Using the Schedule Editor and Create Partitions.

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