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Build a Solar Tracking System Using Simulink and ThingSpeak for Arduino

The virtually connected world enables distance learning and remote collaboration. Learn how to build a solar tracking system on an Arduino® and program it with Simulink® - without writing a single line of code.

The solar tracker consists of a solar cell mounted to a servo motor that is connected to an Arduino MKR 1000 board. The Arduino controls the servo motor position and reads the current from the photovoltaic cell. In Simulink, you drag and drop blocks that interact with the Arduino hardware and use ThingSpeak™ to model and simulate the system. External Mode in Simulink allows you to perform hardware-in-the-loop testing before final deployment. Change a few parameters between the simulation model and the hardware deployment model, and it is ready to run on the hardware. Or use the demonstrated variant subsystem to put both the simulation and deployment modes in the same model. You and others can set the solar tracking system behavior and visualize the sensor information via ThingSpeak. 

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