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MATLAB Program to solve differential equation using Euler's method

%Program to solve Differential equation using Euler's method
%The euation is: dI1/dt = I1*
%Mapping with the equations from network to the program:
%I = I1*
%Consider initial value of I as 2 and performing 50 iterations to solve the

clear all;
I0= 2; %Initial value of I

iterations = 50;
dt = 0.1; %Delta t as Step Size

I = zeros(iterations,1); % this initializes the vector I to being all zeros
t = zeros(iterations,1);

I(1) = I0; % the initial condition
t(1) = 0.0;

for step=1:iterations-1 % Performing iterations
I(step+1) = I(step) + dt*(I(step));
t(step+1) = t(step) + dt;

%print values of I

plot(t,I,'b'); %Plotting the result
title('Solution of First Differential Equation')
hold on%keep the previously plotted lines

%Program to solve Differential equation using Euler's method
%The euation is: dI1/dt = -I1
%Mapping with the equations from network to the program:
%I = I1
%Consider initial value of I as 2 and performing 50 iterations to solve the

Iini= 1; %Initial value of I

I1 = zeros(iterations,1); % this initializes the vector I to being all zeros
t = zeros(iterations,1);

I1(1) = Iini; % the initial condition
t(1) = 0.0;

for step=1:iterations-1 % Performing iterations
I1(step+1) = I1(step) - dt*(I1(step));
t(step+1) = t(step) + dt;

I1 %print values of I

plot(t,I1,'r'); %Plotting the result
title('Solution of First Differential Equation')
hold on%keep the previously plotted lines

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