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Requirements Based Verification with Simulink Test in MATLAB

Model-Based Design starts with informal textual requirements that may include complex timing-dependent signal logic that is difficult to formalize during testing.
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This webinar explains how you can use Simulink Test to author temporal assessments with precise semantics in a natural language format. These assessments accurately model complex timing-dependent behavior with conditions, events, signal values, and delays. We will demonstrate the complete workflow for requirements-based testing with authoring, managing, and executing tests.

Learn how to:

Automate requirements based with Model-Based Designs
Translate informal text requirements into unambiguous assessments with clear, defined semantics
Trace requirements to design and test
Monitor internal signals without perturbing the design or generated code with the new Observer Block
About the Presenter
Paul Urban is a senior product marketing manager at MathWorks responsible for the verification and validation tools, specifically Simulink Requirements, Simulink Test and Simulink Check.  His experience includes extensive work in applying Model Based Design for systems engineering, embedded software development and test.   Prior to joining the MathWorks in 2016, Paul held roles in product marketing, business development, consulting, and development at IBM Watson IoT, Telelogic, and I-Logix where he worked on solutions based on UML/SysML with Rhapsody.  

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