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Rapid BeagleBoard Prototyping with MATLAB and Simulink by Dr Xuewu Dai (Author), Dr Fei Qin (Author)

As an open source embedded single-board computer with many standard interfaces, Beagleboard is ideal for building embedded audio/video systems to realize your practical ideas. The challenge is how to design and implement a good digital processing algorithm on Beagleboard quickly and easily without intensive low-level coding.

Rapid Beagleboard Prototyping with MATLAB/Simulink is a practical, hands-on guide providing you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises which will help you take advantage of the power of Beagleboard and give you a good grounding in rapid prototyping techniques for your audio/video applications.

Rapid Beagleboard Prototyping with MATLAB/Simulink looks at rapid prototyping and how to apply these techniques to your audio/video applications with Beagleboard quickly and painlessly without intensive manual low-level coding. It will take you through a number of clear, practical recipes that will help you to take advantage of both the Beagleboard hardware platform and Matlab/Simulink signal processing. We will also take a look at building S-function blocks that work as hardware drivers and interfaces for Matlab/Simulink. This gives you more freedom to explore the full range of advantages provided by Beagleboard.

By the end of this book, you will have a clear idea about Beagleboard and Matlab/Simulink rapid prototyping as well as how to develop voice recognition systems, motion detection systems with I/O access, and serial communication for your own applications such as a smart home.


This book is a fast-paced guide with practical, hands-on recipes which will show you how to prototype Beagleboard-based audio/video applications using Matlab/Simlink and Sourcery Codebench on a Windows host.

Who this book is for

Rapid Beagleboard Prototyping with MATLAB/Simulink is great for students and academic researchers who have practical ideas and who want to build a proof-of-concept system on an embedded hardware platform quickly and efficiently. It is also useful for product design engineers who want to ratify their applications and reduce the time-to-market. It is assumed that you are familiar with Matlab/Simulink and have some basic knowledge of computer hardware. Experience in Linux is favoured but not necessary, as our software development is purely on a Windows host.

Rapid BeagleBoard Prototyping with MATLAB and Simulink

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