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What is new in the Release of 2018b MATLAB Software

Release 2018b features updates to MATLAB® and Simulink®, two new toolboxes, and enhancements for developing, testing, and deploying deep learning and automotive applications.

The latest release includes:

Broader support for string arrays in MATLAB and Simulink.

Additions to Simulink smart editing capabilities. For example, you can now automatically create ports just by clicking and dragging the outline of a block, and you can more easily rename your blocks.

The new 5G Toolbox™, which is fully standards-based and standards-compliant, so you can simulate, analyse, and test the physical layer of 5G communications systems.

Improvements to deep learning capabilities for pre-processing, building models, and code generation.

Wider interoperability with other deep learning frameworks through ONNYX support.

Enhancements to automated driving capabilities, including a new Driving Scenario Designer app.

The new Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™, which enables you to develop and test sensor fusion and tracking algorithms. 

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